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What Type of IT Infrastructure Do Mobile Medical Coaches Have?

What Type of IT Infrastructure Do Mobile Medical Coaches Have?

With the rapid development of health information technology, most medical establishments have gone down the electronic route. The biggest advantage of health IT is that it can be implemented in static and mobile health clinics like medical coaches. So, what type of IT infrastructure do mobile medical coaches have, and can we predict future trends?

It’s safe to say that the trends will be leaning toward improving remote healthcare and collaboration between healthcare entities, especially in rural locations. AI and other emerging technologies are expected to shift how mobile coaches work and introduce new ways of providing patient care.

Below, we’ll review the forms of technology present in medical coaches and touch on the challenges that may arise and ways of mitigating them.

What Type of IT Infrastructure Do Mobile Medical Coaches Have


What Type of IT Infrastructure Do Mobile Medical Coaches Have?

First, what is health IT? This term refers to the hardware, software, and digital means of communication contained in the electronic infrastructure of a healthcare facility. 

The top medical coach manufacturers ensure the highest level of IT infrastructure with end-to-end security and patient privacy at the forefront. Since patient data is regulated by law, implementing systems compliant with HIPAA is essential for establishing data protection and retention. 

What is the typical IT infrastructure found in mobile medical coaches? Electronic storage is an essential part of the IT infrastructure of a mobile medical coach. This is done through cloud solutions that may follow specific record-keeping guidelines that adhere to HIPAA. Electronic medical equipment is another component of the IT system of a mobile medical coach. 

Finally, a mobile medical coach will always have a robust power management system. A stable power supply is vital for a medical coach because it ensures constant internet connectivity and synchronization across devices. This especially comes in handy in the most rural locations with a poor connection.

Electronic medical equipment in mobile medical coaches

When it comes to equipment specifically used for health and diagnostic purposes, it can vary depending on the use case. Generally, a mobile medical coach will have a digital imaging system consisting of a portable X-ray machine or ultrasound device. Another vital component of the e-medical equipment is the portable vital sign monitors, which show blood pressure and heart rate metrics. 

Point-of-care testing devices are also very important because they allow testing of blood, urine, and other samples on the premises. For example, this is a fantastic option for medical trailers used for blood donation.

Software solutions present in mobile medical coaches

What types of software and systems are commonly used in mobile medical coaches? We touched on the IT infrastructure in mobile medical coaches. Let’s take a closer look at the different components that comprise the electronic healthcare system in these mobile clinics and how they automate workload.

Electronic health records

By electronic health records, we mean digital versions of patients' paper charts. These records include a patient’s medical history, diagnoses, treatment plans, medications, allergies, lab test results, etc. The primary advantage of EHR is its efficiency and ability to streamline patient data by being readily available across all devices in the medical coach.

Health information exchange

This is the process of digital sharing of patient data across healthcare entities. It simplifies data-sharing by sending and retrieving data from the medical coach to nearby facilities.


A robust telecommunications infrastructure means simplified communication with patients remotely. When the medical coach reaches its capacity, healthcare professionals can diagnose and treat patients at a distance via audio and video. As a plus, patients can contact their healthcare provider and get a professional opinion when unable to show up in person.

mHealth (mobile health)

In a way, mobile health is part of telemedicine because doctors use a mobile phone to get in touch with patients. However, its meaning includes health apps and wearable devices for better collaboration and quicker diagnosis.

How Do Mobile Medical Coaches Maintain Reliable Internet Connectivity?

To ensure data retention and accuracy, mobile medical coaches do the following:

  • Use of several network sources – Cellular networks and Wi-Fi are just two examples of network sources used in mobile medical coaches. If one of the sources experiences downtime, medical professionals can always switch to a different one and avoid interruptions.
  • Use of latest generation technology – The best example here is 5G as a fifth-generation technology, faster than 4G and especially 3G. It lowers latency or delays in data deliverance thanks to the improved bandwidth.
  • Implementation of mesh networking – Instead of a single router, larger medical coaches can add multiple routers acting as a single network so that data comes in from multiple places at increased speeds. So, even if one device loses internet connectivity, it won’t affect the others.

How Do Mobile Medical Coaches Maintain Reliable Internet Connectivity


Challenges Associated With IT Infrastructure in Mobile Medical Coaches

Cloud storage trumps physical record-keeping because the risk of data loss is significantly lower. However, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t certain risks associated with the use of the Internet in mobile medical coaches:

  • Security of patient data – With the constant flow of patients, it can be difficult to keep records intact. Security breaches can be a direct result of inefficient data protection solutions, which can lead to data tampering and inaccuracy.
  • Giving access to the right people at the right time – Info-sharing is always a concern with mobile medical coaches. It is easy to accidentally grant access to sensitive information to the wrong person and violate HIPAA and other protocols.
  • Tech updates and upgrades – Complex automation systems and electronic medical equipment require the latest updates to function properly. However, sometimes installing or updating software can require specialized training, which necessitates the need for trained staff on the premises.
  • Costs – Going digital can be expensive when including the costs of different health equipment, internet plans, telecommunication devices, computers, software, etc. 

The Future of IT Infrastructure in Healthcare

The future of IT infrastructure in mobile medical coaches will bring many advancements to improve the efficiency of these clinics on wheels. Here are some developments that might become trends throughout the years:

IoT devices for remote patient monitoring

IoT refers to the Internet of Things or the process of connecting devices to send signals and transmit Internet data interchangeably. By incorporating wearable devices and sensors for exchanging health data, health providers can track equipment, get real-time patient updates, and measure blood pressure, heart rate, glucose, etc.

Prevalent use of cloud storage

Thanks to the accessibility and cost-effectiveness of cloud storage, many medical coaches will start collecting and storing health data online, including scheduling appointments, following patients’ progress, sending medical exam results, etc. With this, cybersecurity will also gain more importance, as there will be a need for advanced patient data protection.

AI solutions

Treatment plans will improve with the use of AI algorithms to boost data accuracy and transparency. In the future, advanced medical coaches may use robot assistance and discover links between genetic codes to diagnose and treat disorders more effectively. AI also has the potential to automate a good chunk of the administrative work.

Use Cases of Mobile Medical Coaches

The described IT infrastructure serves as a general informational guide on the inside of a mobile medical coach. However, the equipment varies greatly depending on the use case of the mobile coach.

Most mobile medical coaches are deployed to serve rural communities, making good internet connectivity and versatile equipment essential. These mobile clinics mainly perform diagnosis through blood and urine tests, basic checkups, cholesterol and diabetes screenings, etc. They may also serve for vaccination purposes.

Mobile medical coaches for specialized care go beyond typical mobile healthcare services and may focus on dental, eye, and mental health services. Another type of mobile medical coach is one for emergencies, where it’s necessary to provide first aid and treat wounds.

Finally, a mobile medical coach may be used for educational purposes or to spread awareness about a particular health topic or concern. A good example is sex education or maternal health medical coach.

Use Cases of Mobile Medical Coaches



What type of IT infrastructure do mobile medical coaches have? For a medical coach to be able to work at any location, it must include some key components. For example, electronic storage and medical equipment, a power management system, and telemedicine capabilities. 

The digital medical equipment in a mobile medical coach includes X-ray machines, ultrasound devices, vital sign monitors, and point-of-care testing devices. However, its equipment ultimately depends on the use case. It could be for spreading awareness about a particular issue, providing vaccination, treating patients in rural areas, etc.

The future seems promising for mobile medical coaches, and trends that may emerge include IoT devices, AI healthcare technology, and cloud storage. These trends will help improve the efficiency of these mobile medical coaches and make it possible to treat patients regardless of their location.

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